
sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

Chrisopher Von Uckermann Interview - Las Gringas Blog

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Christopher Von Uckermann Chats with La Roja!

Last week, Las Gringas had a blast celebrating the launch of MundoFOX at the Conexion En Vivo event featuring Tito El Bambino and Suenlo in Miami Beach. Apart from the show in town, we were super emocionadas (being RBD fans back in the día) to have the chance to interview Christopher Von Uckermann, star of critically-acclaimed and highly-rated series “Kdabra,” which will be part of the MundoFOX programming when they launch in August.

Even though Christopher was busy in the studios in California, he took some time to platicar over the telephone and tell us about his current projects, his upcoming album, and what it means to him to be a part of the new MundoFOX familia!

Hear La Roja’s Interview con Christopher Von Uckermann Ahora!

Fan of Uckermann…what do you think about the interview? If you could ask Christopher one thing, what would it be? Also, for more artist interviews and entertainment noticias…connect with Las Gringas on Facebook and Twitter!

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